Preparing for the New Year….

As always I am wanting to get things in order with the holidays over.  The New Year always gets me ready to be more organized and on track again.  I have been doing terrible with my morning and bedtime routines.  I have revamped them a bit and will work on additional tweeks in the upcoming weeks.

Here is my first draft…….


6:00 – Morning Routine

  • Bible Time
  • Make beds/ Shower


  • Feed pets
  • Take vitamins/medication


  • Laundry
  • Empty trash


  • Wipe out bathroom sinks
  • Spray Shower Stall


  • Dishes Away
  • Wake Tommy

7:00 – Evening Routine

  • Wash Dishes
  • Sweep kitchen & entryway
  • Clean kitchen sink/ counters


  • Laundry
  • Feed Pets


  • Plan/Prep for Dinner
  • Make Lunch
  • Prepare tomorrow’s clothing


  • Tommy’s Bible Verse
  • Tommy to Bed/Read Story
  • ______________________
  • ______________________
  • ______________________

4 thoughts on “Preparing for the New Year….

  1. I’m right there with you!  I woke up yesterday thinking how GLAD I will be to get the tree down and all the Christmas decorations packed up LOL.

  2. I’m right there with you!  I woke up yesterday thinking how GLAD I will be to get the tree down and all the Christmas decorations packed up LOL.

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