I am finally sitting down to eat my supper.  I have been doing just terrible with eating.   Today for instance, I had two pieces of banana bread for breakfast and didn’t eat anything else all day until right now.  I am finishing up a Jimmy John’s sandwich. 

Today has been a very long day.   I stayed home in the morning and did a few things around the house after running some errands.  Then I went to the court hearing for Erik, which had us waiting to be seen for a long time.  After we were finally seen I left and came to work.   I got ready for my meetings and then headed to a home visit in Lakeville and made it there in time even.   Now I just got back from that meeting and am going to work a few hours yet at the office.  

I need to get a few extra hours in as my daycare provider will have a funeral to go to sometime this week and I will need to stay home with Tommy on that day.  I have no idea what I would do if I didn’t have such a flexible job!!   Well I better get busy.  Later!!

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