
My baby starts Kindergarten in September.   We are going to a used uniform sale this morning to hopefully get some of his uniforms for school.   I am happy and so sad at the same time.   I will just buy his uniform pants at Target or Walmart this weekend and we will be done with school shopping for him.  He will need a new pair of tennis shoes and underwear.  

I am home with Tommy today as my SIL who watches him has a fuenral today.   I hope to get alot done today.  I am starting my weird summer schedule at work now.  Erik will be with us next week and I need to stay home 3 days of the work week, so I will be going in on SUnday and working for 10 hours.  I will work one day every weekend this summer.  Oh Well….you do what you have to do I guess.   Later!

OOPS…..just stopped at church and the used uniform sale isn’t until 10:00. 

UPDATE – Argh…I didn’t find one single shirt at the used uniform sale.  They were all size 4-5 and my little guy is bigger than that!  I guess we will be going to the uniform store this weekend.  ARGH!!   It will be expensive, to get everything I want for him will be over $200.00.   That seems like too much for school clothes to me.  That will only be for 11 uniform shirts for the school year.

3 thoughts on “Bittersweet…

  1. I have to start ordering unform clothes for the upcoming year, too. I’m THRILLED Ethan is going to Kindergarten, though….but I’m weird like that 😉

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My baby starts Kindergarten in September.   We are going to a used uniform sale this morning to hopefully get some of his uniforms for school.   I am happy and so sad at the same time.   I will just buy his uniform pants at Target or Walmart this weekend and we will be done with school shopping for him.  He will need a new pair of tennis shoes and underwear.  

I am home with Tommy today as my SIL who watches him has a fuenral today.   I hope to get alot done today.  I am starting my weird summer schedule at work now.  Erik will be with us next week and I need to stay home 3 days of the work week, so I will be going in on SUnday and working for 10 hours.  I will work one day every weekend this summer.  Oh Well….you do what you have to do I guess.   Later!

OOPS…..just stopped at church and the used uniform sale isn’t until 10:00. 

UPDATE – Argh…I didn’t find one single shirt at the used uniform sale.  They were all size 4-5 and my little guy is bigger than that!  I guess we will be going to the uniform store this weekend.  ARGH!!   It will be expensive, to get everything I want for him will be over $200.00.   That seems like too much for school clothes to me.  That will only be for 11 uniform shirts for the school year.

0 thoughts on “Bittersweet…

  1. I have to start ordering unform clothes for the upcoming year, too. I’m THRILLED Ethan is going to Kindergarten, though….but I’m weird like that 😉

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