I am back at work…ton of catch up to do as always.  The van is running great for once.  YEAH!!  I bet this was what was wrong all the long.  Last night we had a quiet night at home, Josh went to the HS football game with a friend.  Tommy, Daddy and I put together a wooden train and played that.  We tried to listen to a little book on tape, but Tommy likes to turn his tape recorder off and on more than anything.  Auntie Julie brought over some new puzzles for us to play with Elmo on them.  They were a big hit! 

After Tommy headed to bed, hubby and I washed dishes and headed to bed ourselves.  A pretty quiet night!

Today is going ok.  I finally figured out what to get Josh as a confirmation gift.  Last night he brought me the information about a class ring he wants.   So I guess that is his gift.  He picked out to have the christianity symbol put on one side.  He surprises me sometimes.  They were a bit more expensive than I though.  I wasn’t able to afford gold of any type, but I think he will like it. 

Tonight should be busy.  We have Families First tonight.  I have to remember to bring the games for the harvest festival basket.  Well time for my to do list and get busy!!!


  • Order Confirmation Cake

  • Deliver Invites for Tommy’s B-day party with his little friends.

  • Church – Bring games

  • Laundry

  • Bath – Tom

  • Bedroom – put clean clothes away

The buried talent is the sunken rock on wich most lives strike and founder. – Frederick W Faber

4 thoughts on “

  1. is the Families First you speak of related to FCCLA with a high school?  (formerly future homemakers of america)  I was really involved with that, and was a Families First Peer educator.  We did a lot of family fun nights…it was great!

  2. My son is talking about a class ring also, but they can’t get them until Sophomore year. So, we have awhile to save up. Not sure how much they cost, but I know they’re lots more than the $24 I paid for mine 34 years ago!

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