INsanely busy day here. My parents will be in town around 3:00 today to go to the banquet with us for Josh’s confirmation. Beforethey get here…I have a lot to do.

Last night was busy too, hubby grabbed McDonalds on the way home from work. We ate and went to Sam’s club to buy food and drink for the weekend. It wasn’t as expensive as I thought it would be. Then we came home and hubby made marinade for his steak for Saturday night. I then made cut-out cookies of Dora The Explorer as the kids at daycare will decorate those today to celebrate Tommy’s birthday. My SIL does a great little party for him with the daycare kids.

Off to shower! I have to get ot the clinic for a fasting blood draw and I am HUNGRY!!!

to do:
Tom to daycare
blood draw
cub Foods – groceries
wash clothes
lay out clothes for Erik
clean dining room

clean bedroom
clean office
take Josh for haircut

and she is ………………………OFF RUNNING!!

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