Well my day is coming to an end, I have accomplished plenty today. I still have a few minor details to complete. The living room is decluttered and rearranged. It is nice to sit in it and enjoy. I took 1/2 of Tommy’s toys to the basement. I try to rotate them up as he is ready to play with them. I have a lot of toys that are more baby toys and I need to find a new home for. Between my neighbor and neice I should be able to get rid of many. I rather bless my family and friends with Tommy’s out grown items than take the time to sell them.

I even got the blinds in the bathroom washed along with the rug and shower curtain.

Now I have to tidy up the kitchen before my hubby gets home and get the bed sheets out of the dryer and on to the bed. I hope to have a very relaxing evening with hubby and kids since I got plenty done today. AAAAh………..


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