I am back to my regular life again. I seem to be feeling better, yeah!!! Friday I was back at work for the entire day. It was my day to pick up Tommy so I left about 15 minutes early to make it to daycare.
Then it was home to figure out something for supper! We decided to have McDonalds since I didn’t have anything ready. Firday night was pretty busy. Julie came over and we went through the bins of clothes for Erik and Tommy to get some winter clothes out. I can’t find any of Erik’s sixe 8 pants to give to julie for Nick. I can’t figure out where they could have gone. So Paul watched all the kids while Julie and I went through clothes! WOW, do my kids have a lot of nice clothes that my hubby picked up for them at garage sales.
Today, Saturday we slept in a bit. We were all ready to go to the library by 10:00 and were home by 11:00. Then it was a quick lunch as Julies BIL’s wanted me to read over some legal things for him. Then the boys and I went to do a Sam’s club run. Tommy got a huge cookie and ate it all. He was suppose to share with Erik. That didn’t happen.
Once home Tommy and I washed the dishes and then daddy was home. Daddy wanted to take a little nap so Tommy and I went to get the weeks groceries and food for the party tomorrow!
Tonight hubby bathed Tommy for me and I started on the food for tomorrow. We are having all our family over to celebrate Erik’s birthday and watch football. Tonight I baked Erik’s cake, made a cheese cake and made potato salad.
Tomorrow after church all I need to do is make the sub sandwiches and frost the cake. I best head to bed, it is becoming a busy weekend! later!
My oldest son sure makes me smile. Josh and Erik have been down stairs together building with legos for quite a while. It is so wonderful that Josh will spend thins time with Erik. I hope it will make a difference in Erik’s life to hang out with an older kid that is so mature and responsible. Josh is a good kid, a great role model for Erik.
ahhh…. life in it’s normalcy….
Hope your enjoying your weekend.
Sounds like a VERY busy weekend! But you always seem to be busy! Hope the party went well. It’s great that Josh is taking Erik under his wing. That’s something special that Erik will remember!