MONDAY!!! Trying to be excited, I hate Mondays. But it all a state of miind right??? Tommy had school this morning, but hubby didn’t go with so I had to take him to daycare after school as well. So of course I am still at work now as I work late on Mondays to make up for coming in late. But it is quiet in here and you can get a lot done when everyone is gone.
I hate to even watch the news lately. I am disturbed by the stories. There was a school shooting in Cold Springs, MN which is right out of St. Cloud. What strikes me as so odd about it, my parents were upset I moved to the cities and this shooting is far closer to where I used to live. I actually went to college in St . Cloud. There have not been any school shooting in the city. There is more security and police in the schools. I want my kids to be safe. The shooter was actually the son of a police officer. It is sad, one senior was killed and a freshman critically wounded. I need to send my kids to school, you jsut want them to be safe.
Then today as I am driving to my job at the third largest government center in Minnesota, I hear on the radio that there was a shooting at the Hennepin government center. Hennepin is the largest county in MN, it is comprised of Minneapolis and surrounding area. Granted I don’t work for Hennepin County, nor would I ever want to, but this is a bit close too home for me. The shooting was in the court system, (where there are police deputies all the time). I regularly appear in court in our county for various reasons, Out of Home placements, guardianships, etc. I am sure the security in our county and others will be getting tighter. That is fine with me, I want to be safe too! But then again I have never received a threat since working in the cities. I actually had the police contact me when I worked out in the rural area as a client of mine was unhappy with me and was threating to kill me. He was not any kind of threat, but a developmentally delayed old grouch that didn’t know any better. But it is a crime to threaten a government employee providing services. He was mad at me because I told him I would not pay for damages he caused when he urinated all over a wall in a public restroom in a store. He did it because he was mad at the store.
I jsut find this all a sad commentary on our world today. Yes, there is a conceal and carry law, which allows guns, but not in gov. places and many, many other places. I don’t know that the law has really changed much. You will never find a gun of any kind in my house. Children are too impulsive as are some adults. There were bullies when I was a kid too, but I never ever crossed my mind to shoot them. Egg there house, maybe……..
Well I best get back to work. I have a couple more hours to work until time to go home. Hope everyone is having a nice, safe Monday!
It does rather seem like there is no such thing as a safe area anymore.
After the Dunblane tragedy here in the UK when about a dozen primary school children and two teachers were shot dead by a madman, they tightened up on security at schools. Even our little island school had to install remote-control intercom entry points and take other measures. What a sad indictment of modern society is this current fear of violence, especially gun violence