What a great day!! I was in the office until about 1:00 then I got to go out side and go on a home visit. The weather was wonderful here in Minnesota! It has certainly improved my mood. This morning while I was getting ready for work my styling brush/hair dryer thing died, half way through doing my hair!! ARGH!! So I bought a new one after work today. So I certainly had a bad hair day today!!
Today I saw a little boy using a creepster crawler at work. Very cool, great therapy for any child with Cerebral Palsy. He really could move around, otherwise he was non mobile.
Tonight we started up our first class of the second session of Musikgarten. Tommy loves the class. There are more children this session so it is harder for Tommy to wait for his turn. But it is fun!
After class hubby had to go to a meeting at church. I played outside with Tommy for a while. Tommy didn’t want to come in so Joshua played with him outside so I could quickly put away a few loads of laundry. Then Tommy got ready for bed and we watched on episode of Elmo’s World before bed. Erik’s mom dropped him off for the weekend. Erik is grounded from the Internet at his mom’s so he will be here to. He seems to understand that ok.
I should head to bed and read for a bit. Have a great evening.
Frejaluna – Hey there! I bet you were loving the weather today. Sure gets your ready to plant your gardens. Not nearly as depressing as the snow the other day. Ok…xanga ate my comments to you the other night…now what did I say??? I totally recommend buying greeting cards a few months at a time minimally. If you can afford to do more at a time it only cuts down on the trip to the store in my book! That is a good thing. Oh Yeah, and of course I love Little House on the Prairie!! I wish I had a daughter to share that with, my boys aren’t very interested. When I go home to South Dakota I always want to stop at the LIW house in Watertown I think it is. I have yet to do it, though I think as a child I was there on a field trip from school. That is terrible I can’t remember for sure!!
FLYmom – I had one of those greeting cards organizers, but I hated it. It didn’t hold up to my abuse and secondly I can’t have my card in a separate place. It is one more thing to remember to look in. I keep them with my bills and when I pay bills I mail my cards too! I treat my cards like bills….obligations…LOL!!
It is too funny we are reading the same book right now!! LOL!! I just started it last night so I am not very far. But I have read about the woman feeding her hubby maggots. I read it to my hubby and he didn’t find the humor in it! LOL!! I did, that is all the matters. I am reading this for a book group and one of my friends had already started reading the book and was upset saying it was too much male bashing, etc. Now how do I go to book group and say I think it is funny!
OH yeah…I have a question for you. What was the name of the song you had on your site the other day by Ginny Owens? I really like it! I had never heard of her but will be checking her tunes out!
Mrs_Ann_A – I so agree with the time change thing. It is a love hate thing. I love it to be light after supper so we can play outside, but it takes me so long to adjust. I must be getting old since I **Still feel like I am adjusting. ARGH!! I hope next week is better!
To find in oursleves what makes life worth living is risky business, for it means that once we know we must seek it. It also means that without it life will be valueless. – Marsha Sinetar
Well, the Ginny Owens song I had playing was “I Am Nothing” and the song after it was a Sara Groves song. I’ll br trying to change my music more often on the website.
I think the book can be taken the wrong way, as male-bashing, but my personal opinion is, it is written to be FUNNY, not necessarily just male-bash in a way to be mean and cruel.
I would point that out to them. 🙂 I am also reading Tami Hoag’s book called “Still Waters” right now. It’s really good so far.
I was thinking about the greeting card dilemma. Once I get my Control Journal done in my spiral notebook I am going to put it in a 3 ring binder. Each page. With clear sheet protectors. So I can use dry erase markers to mark stuff off etc. I think that will work well because on my Important Dates pages, which I have a page per month to write bdays and anniversaries, I can just slip the paper down in the sheet protector along with cards for those people. They’ll stay together that way and the plastic sheet protectors should last a while. I hope. Maybe that would work for you??