I am still not getting much done on my todo list! OH well…it will all be there tomorrow. I am doing very well at work and getting a ton of work completed. I must be expending all my energy at work.
Yesterdy was a nice day. I got home early and was able to run to the bank and run to the bank and get my hair cut. WOO HOO!! I came home and after supper hubby and I took Tommy for a nice walk. Tommy didn’t want to go in the stroller, but walk himself do the walk took forever.
Do you ever have those days when you are so thankful and amazed by the gift of your children?? That was my day yesterday. I decided not to do my chores and spent the evening with my boys. Hubby and I took Tommy for the walk. Tommy is forver discovering new things. He heard a noise and it took him a while to find where it ws coming from, but then he learned a new word. WOOF WOOF………….Doggie! Tommy even got to pet the doggie who was bigger than Tommy. The Doggie licked Tommy’s hands and he laughed and laughed. Then while walking Tommy discovered a big stick. He was carrying the stick and hitting everything with it, including mommy’s butt! LOL!! He thought that was so funny! Finally we made it around the block and returned home. The end of Tommy’s day of discovery! I love sharing all these disoveries with tommy. YOu have to really slow your life down to enjoy every little tiny discovery. Tonight when we came home there was a baby bunny in the yard. Tommy and I walked as close as we could to it. Tommy really couldn’t see the bunny until it started to hop. Then he wanted to catch it! He is so funny!!
The rest of last night was spend with my big boy. It is not often my oldest wants to hang out with me. We snuggled on the couched and watched the Cher Special concert. LOL!! He loves the special effects. I am hoping to take Josh to a concert for his “golden birthday” next month. We will see if I find one that is appropriate enough. So my chores went undone as I can’t miss those moments with my boys, before i know it Josh will be leaving for college. Only a little over three years left. I can still remember his first steps like it was yesterday. He had one this little baseball outfit, white with blue pin stripes. He was in my parents back yard and it was the day before his 1st birthday. It seems like only yesterday. Hard to believe that was nearly 14 years ago. I find myself being very cling to my memories of Josh’s babyhood. I am having a nard time with him getting older and nearing his sophmore year in school.
There are still so many things I want to do with him. I want to take all three boys to Florida on one last family trip. I want to take Josh to a rock concert. I have taken Josh on his first plane ride two years ago, that was fun! Enjoy those baby’s before you know it they will be driving your CAR!!! WOW!! Who would have thought! Just as I watch Tommy discover new things…I am helping Josh to discover new things about the adult world, learn about credit card, banking accounts, car insurance. I want him to be prepared when going out on his own.
Well enough about how much I enjoy being with my boys *smirk but that was my day! I also sold one of my books on half.com so I was able to order the next one my book group is reading. It arrived in the mail today! YEAH!! I plan to go to bed early and start it. I have been in a bit of a reading funk the last few days. I think I have been just too tired.
Today was good…we had families first and discussed our children saying thins to others that might hurt them and how to handle it. We also talked about decreasing sibling fighting. It was a very nice discussion. When we went back to the kids room, I could smell Tommy…ARgh….quick diaper change before heading home for a bath!!!
Well tonight I coped half way through my post…only lost a part of it!! It was only my comments section to you all!! I will comment to you tomorrow!
Good for you for spending time with your boys, which I agree is much more important than the chores, which can wait.
Awww it is hard sometimes to watch them grow up! Enjoy them all and Huge hugs
I have become a ‘nut’ when it comes to making sure that I don’t lose my posts. First, I write them privately, save save save, and edit. Then, I copy them into a new entry which I post publicly. After that one has safely posted, I delete the private one. I know that ALL THAT isn’t necessary, but damn … I hate it when I lose an entry.
Guess what book I am almost done with and is next to my bed? LOL The same book you are reading!! Isn’t it a hoot!? I loved the story about the wife feeing her husband worms (I think that is what it was, worms or maggots) because he wouldn’t get them out of the fridge and she wasn’t allowed to “throw them away” ha ha ha! LOL The recipes all sound delish too!!