Thought I would share this…hubby sent to me as did my mother.  I don’t always read everyone’s email so I missed it.   But I thought it was worth sharing. 

The Battle


An elder Cherokee Native American was

teaching his grandchildren about life one day.

He said to them, “A battle rages inside me… a terrible

battle… between two wolves.”


“One wolf is fear & anger, envy & greed

lies & arrogance, inferiority & self-pity,

pride, superiority, and ego.”


“The other is joy & peace, love & hope,

sharing & serenity, humility & kindness,

benevolence & friendship, empathy & generosity,

truth, compassion, and faith.”


It is a terrible battle that has been waged repeatedly within me.”


“This same battle will go on within each of you,

and all other people, as well.”


After pondering for a moment, one child

asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins?”


To which the wise old man simply replied,


“The one you feed…”

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