I think I am starting to feel better. My stomach doesn’t hurt as bad this morning. I woke up at 8:00 am to the lovely sound of hubby coughing. ARGH!! So I woke upa bit crabby.
Today I hope to get a lot done around the house. Next weekend is Tommy’s B-day Party and I won’t have time to do much this week.
- Get my winter clothes out
- GEt Erik’s WInter CLothes out
- Clean bathroom – wipe down counters, declutter cupboard,
- Clean my bedroom
- Clean off Dinning Room Table
- Wipe down door Knobs and Light Switches
- Make something with the Pumpkin
- Mail invitations to Tommy’s B-day
- Wipe down Fridge
- Wash Dishes
- Go TO Target
- Order Tommy’s Birhtday Cake
- Get Halloween Stuff out
- Wrap B-day and Xmas presents
- Print out some gift tags
- Buy Paint at Menards
Later I will check back in mid -day and let you know how I have been doing.
Yuck…. not a great way to wake up… and such a long list of stuff to do this weekend….. Im scared to make a list, scared it will send me back to bed! LOL
Have a great weekend!