Just got the mail and I received my free shipment from Brighter Visions Learning Adventure! It is very cool! It is a monthly educational mailing of activities for your age child. I received the one year old mailing today. It is great!! I am not sure if we will continue it, but I know we will be doing the items from this months shipment.
This months Theme is Boby Parts
It has a craft activity.
A Board book
A CD with songs
A activity book with different finger plays, songs and activities.
I will have to scan Tommy’s craft when we make it. I look forward to starting this with Tommy. So go to the website and you can get your first free shipment too, there are no commitments of having to buy so many, etc. Thought I would share!
Sounds nice!
That sounds like a really cute kit. I look forward to seeing the craft.
That sounds really neat. Does it increase in level?
We just got our second shipment. I love their kits! My cousin’s daughter was getting them and she was learning her colors, numbers, etc.
I’m really jealous now. That so sounds like something that we should be doing for Dare.