Morning,  I didn’t sleep that well last night.  I woke up at 3:00am.  I know it is because I am thinking about this meeting I have to have today and I need to be the heavy and really make people start listening to me.   I hate that….so that is early this morning so I have to shower and get to work and review our meeting with another social worker who is doing this meeting with me.  So today will be stressful, I already know that.

Last I didn’t do much, I really had my mind on this meeting.  I surfed around on E-bay looking for a Halloween costume to wear with Tommy.  Tommy is going to be a Cowboy.  Believe it or not my hubby and I usually dress up for Halloween as well, but usually very scary.  But I don’t want to scare Tom, so I am looking for a nice cowgirl or Indian costume.  Usually we have a haunted garage with a smoke machine, strobe lights and scary music coming from our roof of the house.  But we are going to be much mellower of the next few years. 

Families First was ok last night, we introduced ourselves to the new members and went to the 9/11 memorial service at our church.  Joshua went to confirmation.  When I got home from work hubby had today Josh about his dog.  I walked in the door and he hugged me and just sobbed.  I felt so bad for him.  He cried off and on all evening. 

  • Stop at Goodwill and see if I can find a Costume
  • Exercise
  • Pay Bills

Confession – I didn’t exercise last night, I just went to bed.  Argh…bad, Jen!

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