This must be the longest day in the year.  Today seems to be dragging at work.  I finally ate lunch at like 2:00 and it seemed like it must be the end of the day.  ARGH…no such luck. 

I forgot to mention yesterday I got a big package in the mail from Enfamil.  We join their 1st b-day program and when you send in so many points you receive toys for your child’s first b-day. So now I have Tommy’s shopping for his b-day all done.   He received a Ready Steady Ride On and Activity Table.  So that is pretty cool. since we would have had to buy formula anyways.   And of course we aren’t done buying formula yet. 

Well time to get back to my never ending day.,,,,,…….

  • Balance the checkbook
  • Clean out Fridge
  • Exercise
  • Put Clean Laundry Away
  • Attend Families First Class at Church
  • Give Tommy a bath
  • Procrastination Project…hmmmmmmmmmm – can’t decide what I need to do….maybe I will figure it out tomorrow!

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