I had a lazy evening last night.  I just didn’t feel like doing anything by the time I got home.  Feels like my energy is just zapped.   So I didn’t do much.   I plan on paying my bills tonight.  Today is actually payday, but I like to have it done the day before.  OH well…..

This morning is Tommy’s first class at ECFE for this session.  I am excited for him since he will love to see all his friends.  He has a great time.  He enjoys the toys and singing.  He has the same teacher as last year. 

My list is about the same for today…….maybe I will do it today!

  • Exercise
  • Pay Bills
  • Organize Plastics Cupboard in Kitchen
  • Clean out Cutlery Drawer in Kitchen

I did exercise again last night.  Actually I was all snug in bed and hubby came in and said, weren’t you going to exercise.  GRRRRR….yes….Argh!  SO I have only skipped one day so far.

0 thoughts on “

  1. I make these great mental lists of things to do in my head, but I usually find some reason not to complete them.

    I’ll be paying my bills tonight.  We get paid monthly.  Such a pain in the ass.

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