Morning…… I must have slept really hard last night.  I woke up this morning in the same position I fell asleep in and my body was sore.  ARGH!!  I normally move around in my sleep alot.  Drives hubby nuts. 

I am up early this morning so I can do a couple of chores before I head to work.  I will clean out the fridge and add up my checkbook.  Then I am out of here and off to conquer a mountain on paperwork on my desk.   ARGH!!

Tonight when I get home I have to tell my son, Josh, that his dog died.   He will be so sad.  His dog has lived with my parents for a number of years since we couldn’t have him in the new placed we moved to in my first marriage.  I have the hardest time tell Josh bad news.  He is so very sensitive and I it breaks my heart to see him hurt at all.  I wish I could protect him for sadness for his entire life.  But that isn’t realistic, so I will tell him and cry with him.   I remember my dog when I was a child dyeing about the same time in my life.   I had gotten my dog for xmas.  Josh’s dog, Simpson was 12 years old.  Josh was 2 years old when we got him Simpson.

  • Balance the checkbook
  • Clean out Fridge
  • Exercise
  • Put Clean Laundry Away
  • Attend Families First Class at Church
  • Give Tommy a bath
  • Procrastination Project…hmmmmmmmmmm
  • 0 thoughts on “

    1. I am saddened to hear about Simpson’s death.  It is sooo difficult to lose a pet, just like a family member.  I hope he takes it as well as can be expected.  Have a nice weekend!

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