Our mail today was fun………..I received the Children’s Book of the Month Club monthly flyer. I actually ordered two items this time.
I ordered for Tommy. It is a rhyming book about Mommy returning from work at the end of the day.
For Erik I ordered the following two books, even though I only need one of them. They came in a set. He really needs to work on fractions so I was sure this book would inspire him since he LOVES Hersheys!!! He has addition down, but I am sure we will do the book anyways so he can eat the chocolate..LOL!
There were a number of other educational activity books I am going to check out at the library that were in the flyer. I will let you know what I think of them!! Activites for babies and stuff!!
Well I am off to quickly bake cookies before Tommy wakes up from his nap.
I love books!!