Disappointing news…………

Every since I became pregnant with Tommy, we had planned on him going to daycare at my SIL’s.  We just found out that she is going to discontinue doing daycare after this school year.  ARGH!!    I can certainly understand her desire to have employment outside of the home and reclaim her home.  Just disappointing to us.

So now we will need to begin looking into finding daycare for Tommy.  I cringe at the idea.  I hate the idea of anyone other than family taking care of him.  I have two ideas, one is the lady down the street, she does daycare and I know her vaguely.    The next idea I have is a lady that is in our Wednesday night group at our church.  She is a licensed daycare and I admire her input in class, etc.   but I still don’t feel I know either one of them enough to have them take over the care of my baby.

Still very scary to us, to say the least.  How do you pick a person to care for your most precious thing in the whole world?   How do I know they will be good to him?  Which is better center based, where I know others will be around or homebased, where he is alone with the caregiver and other kids.   It scares me to death………………I just want to stay home with him.    Many of tears will and have been shed over this one.

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  1. My sons kindy closed at the end of last year so I need to find some where for my daughter to go as well its very scary I dont trust many ppl with my kids its enought to worry about my son at school with different teachers every year and releif teachers ect but when they are so young it just so hard to hand them over I hope you find one that suits you and your son

  2. Best of luck to you.  I have been struggling with the thought of going back to work for the same reason.  I can’t bare the thought of leaving JL with anyone else.  I’ll probably end up staying home untill she starts school atleast.  I hope you find a solution to your problem.

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