One thing about me all my life is I LOVE books… I wish my children have the love for reading that I do, but they don’t.
What is on my shelf this month???
I was at the library the other day the following are what I am currently reading……………
Easy enough book to read. Kind of a feel good sort of book. But enjoyable for the most part.
I am listening to this as an audio book as I drive to work each day. I can get about a tape a day done, jsut driving to and from work.
Other items on my reading table??? Call me weird but I always love to see what others are reading…so bear with me!
The Barefoot Contess, Parties! – ok, but some of the dishes are way too complicated and some of the ingredients I didn’t even know what they were.
The Cake Mix Doctor – I liked this one, thanks Kimmiesmommie for mentioning it. I might actually look to purchase this one on
The Naked Chef – I haven’t read much of this one yet…still working on it.
How to Cook Everything – hmm….not so impressed, not to cook everything I wouldn’t want to cook so far…LOL!!!
And of course I page through a number of magazines: Parents, Parenting, Woman’s Day, Taste of Home, Quick Cooking. A good night of insomnia always gets me caught up on my magazines…ROFL!!!
Well I am off to rocking Tommy to sleep and listen to his lullaby CD and then head to bed and read! Night Everyone!
Hi! I subscribed 4 ur site wheneva u have a new post(can u tell im so new?!!)…& I just read it. That was inspiring how u like books alot
Im in a way like that too…but its hard 4 me 2 find books that catch my attention. I like scary stories(novels or whatever) or gotta be a really good love novel. Im too lazy 2 actually try 2 find it. I like reading books that are recommended 2 me. What do u think?!! Well, gnite. I just wanted 2 drop u a quick note & an eprop 4 that lil inspiration u gave me. Hope 2 hear fr u…
Please post recipes that you try from all those cookbooks!!!
I baked the Lethal Chocolate Peppermint Cake from The Cake Mix Doctor to take with me on my trip last weekend. It was very yummy – tasted like a tender Girl Scout cookie. There was none left by Monday evening.