Random Acts of Christmas Kindness: Day 2

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Random Act of Christmas Kindness:  Day 2

Take Cookies/Holiday Treats to our neighbors who have recently lost spouses or are single.

James 1:27

27 Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.



We put a card on our gifts saying, “You’ve been RACK’ed!” and explain a bit about what we are doing.  Oddly enough many people wonder about you when you are doing nice things! 


Christmas can be a hard time for many people for a variety of reasons.   Today, we are thinking about our neighbors who have recently lost their loved ones or are single this Christmas.   Christmas time is so full of memories.  We hope our kindness will brighten the day of those who might be struggling this Christmas.  My husband lost his mother last January and she is in our thoughts everyday, but especially at the holidays.


I let the boys go to the neighbors alone to deliver.  I was out front as they as they were at our neighbors house and I could hear them singing, “We Wish you a Merry Christmas!”  The singing was an idea of all their own!  They were having so much fun!


The boys dancing and singing Christmas carols through the yards to deliver their goodies.


We hope that you find God’s love and blessings in your life this holiday season and throughout the new year!

Merry Christmas!!

The Coyan Family – Lighting up WBL with Kindness




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