Menu Plan Monday: January 2, 2012


Menu – 1/2- 1/15/12

We have eaten so much over the holidays, so it is time for a light menu.   I can’t even think of making anything too filling.   Probably a very good thing for all of us.  I can’t believe how difficult is to make a menu when you are not in the least bit interested in eating. 

Holiday food this year was very good.  The Prime Rib was a big hit with everyone.   I will have to tweak the recipe a bit next time I make it.  I am so glad that we kept up with our meal planning over the holidays, it is one less thing to try to remember.   If you want to me more organized and save money in 2012, take a stab at meal planning.   You won’t know how you ever managed without planning your meal. 


I hope everyone had a wonderful and safe New Year!!!!!!!!!!!   May you find much happiness and joy in 2012!

Monday – January 2 – Beef Stroganoff with Green Beans 

Beef Stroganoff

1 lb ground beef
8 oz sour cream
1 can cream of mushroom soup
(1 t salt, 1 t onion powder)
(¼ c water, 1 t beef bouillon cube)
1 pkg egg noodles
1 pkg frozen peas

In large skillet, brown the ground beef; drain.  Add sour cream, soup, salt, onion powder and water to skillet. Heat to a low boil; add bouillon.  Stir to dissolve; reduce heat to simmer.

Boil noodles while preparing meat mixture. Serve stroganoff over cooked noodles. Serve with steamed peas

Tuesday – 1/3 – (late meeting) – Tuna Cheese Sandwiches –  Simple Delicious Cookbook pg 123 – Chicken Noodle Soup   (Good)

Wednesday – 1/4 (home early) – Cheesy Wild Rice Soup – Simple Delicious Cookbook pg 40 – Biscuits and Salad   (Good)

Wednesday – Black Bean Taco Salad – Simple Delicious Cookbook pg 44  (Good)

Thursday – 1/5 (Sort) – Friday – 1/6 (late meeting) – Hot Dogs and Fries

Saturday – 1/7 – Chicken and Dumpling Casserole   (good, but double for our family)

Sunday – 1/8 – Chicken Fingers, Garlic Bread, Fries

Monday – 1/9 – (work late) – Beef Enchiladas – Spanish Rice

Tuesday – 1/10 – (Book Group) – Chef Salad

Wednesday – 1/11 – (work late) – Roast with Vegetables

Thursday – 1/12 – (late meeting) – Crab Salad Croissants –   Simple Delicious Cookbook pg 62 – Pasta Salad

Friday – 1/13 – Hamburgers and Fries

Saturday – 1/14 – (Tonic Sulfa) – Leftovers

Sunday – 1/15 – Cheddar Ham Soup –  Simple Delicious Cookbook pg 124

For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Laura at Organizing Junkie. and participate in Menu Plan Monday.

Wishing you all a wonderful week!!!

Happy Cooking!!


Dessert to try: Candy Cane Cheesecake

Recipes to try:  Grilled Bruschetta Chicken, Broccoli, Salad
Ham and Cheese Wraps –

Cheesy Chicken and Rice Bake –



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