Ramp Build – Day #2

Tha magic elves were busy working while I was away at work.   I have worked 24 hours in the last two days so have not been home much.    Today I am off…and boy am I tired.  

The ramp is coming right along and should be done today.   My dogs are thoroughly confused by it.  Once there are steps to get off the end, they will be able to go outside.   Been a trick to keep them off the concrete as well.  



Blessings & Joy,

0 thoughts on “Ramp Build – Day #2

  1. I’m still here with you! I read away as you post about projects and people. I glean so many things from you and can fully understand your personality of “helper” and I also understand the blessings you reap. I’m similar to you in many, many ways. I’m glad you’ve been happily busy and know about those “not reading” periods of my life. It’s always a surprise to me, too, when I realize I haven’t been into a book for more than a few days! Bless you and all you set your hands to ~ cherylyn

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