Menu Plan Monday: January 3rd


December 30th – January 14th

Happy New Year!!  It feels good to be getting back to my familiar routines.  I truly am a creature of habit.  I feel very out of control if I don’t have a plan for meals each night.  By the time I get home from work, it is a mad dash to get supper on the table before 7:00.   This year I am trying to add more vegetables and fruit to our diet.  My kids are all great about eating most things, so it is just a matter of planning and making more.  I would also like to make dessert once a week.   I will plan it and we will see how that goes!  

We had a wonderful Christmas with family.  The food was amazing!  My BIL, Danny is a great cook and always brings the main course for our Christmas Celebration.  I will be off for 2 weeks over the holidays.  the first week I truly spent reading,  relaxing and hanging out my with kiddo.   I am now starting week two of vacation and this week means work! We are getting my Father in Law moved into the assisted living facility and his wife will join him in a few weeks.  So this weekend will be spent packing and moving.   I have two more days off and those will be spent getting things done around my house before returning to work.  I want to return to work being caught up on the laundry as well as a few other things. 


I hope everyone has a wonderful and safe New Year!!!!!!!!!!!   May you find much happiness and joy in 2011!

Menu Plan

Thurday 30 – Taco Bake, Corn and Salad  (very quick meal – Good at to Site) 

Friday – 31 – Frozen Pizza – Packing Day at Inlaws

Saturday – 1 – Order in – Moving Day for Inlaws

Sunday – 2 – Rotisserie Chicken/ Mac n Cheese/ Green Beans – Apple Pie –

Mon -3 – Baked Tilapia, Uncle Ben’s Rice and Veggie

Baked Tilapia (good add to site)

3/4 cup soft bread crumbs
1/3 cup grated Parmesan Cheese
1 tsp garlic salt
1 tsp. Oregano
4 Tilapia Fillet

In a shallow bowl, combine the bread crumbs, cheese, garlic salt, and oregano.  Coat Fillets in crumb mixture.  Place on a baking sheet coated with cooking spray. 

Bake at 425 for 8-12 minutes or until fish flake easily with a fork.

Tuesday – 4 – Paprika Chicken with Sour Cream Sauce, Rice, Brussels Sprouts, Salad  (hubby liked…not sure I do)

Wednesday – 5 – Working Late – Baked Teriyaki Chicken (very Good add to site) served with Hash Brown Casserole  (very Good Add to site) & Broccoli

Thursday – 6 – Chilli / Corn Bread

Friday – 7 – Chilli Dogs/ Fries

Sat -8 – Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Strips and Vegetables with Cheese Sauce

2 Pkg Frozen California – Blend Vegetables
1 – 8 oz of Velveeta Cubed
3 Tbsp. Milk

Microwave Vegetable blend according to the package directions.  In a small saucepan, combine cheese and milk. Cook and stir over low heat until melted.  Serve with vegetables. 

Sunday – 9 – Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Spaghetti / Salad  – Triple Chocolate Cake

1 pkg White Cake Mix
1/3 cup sugar
4 eggs
1 cup (8oz) sour cream
2/3 canola oil
2 Tbsp. Baking Cocoa
1/2 Cup Miniature Semisweet Chocolate Chips
1 cup Chocolate Frosting
2 Tbsp milk

In a large bowl. combine the cake mix, sugar, eggs, sour cream and oil.  Beat on low for 1 minute; beat on medium for 2 minutes.  Pour half of batter in to a large bowl.  Stir in cocoa until blended. Fold chocolate chips into white cake batter.

Spoon batter alternately into a greased and floured 10 inch fluted tube pan.  Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes or until a toothpick inserted near the center comes out clean.  Cool for 15 minutes before removing from pand to a wire rack to cool completely. 

In a small bowl, combine frosting and milk.  Spoon over top of cooled cake. 

Monday- 10 – Book Group – Mom’s Mac and Cheese / Brats

Tuesday -11 –  South Seas Pork Chops, Pineapple Slices, Green Beans, Salad

Wednesday -12 – Meat Loaf/ Mashed Potatoes/ Corn

Thursday – 13 – Board Meeting – Spaghetti

Friday – 14 – Sloppy Joes , Chips

 Just remember that a bit of planning will sure make your week go smoother, giving you more free time and saving you money!  For more Menu Planning inspiration stop by and visit Laura at Organizing Junkie and participate in Menu Plan Monday.  Weekly over 400 bloggers share what they have on their menu. 

Happy Eating!!!

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