March Grocery Budget

Walmart – 39.78

Cub Foods –  72.17

Sam’s Club – 205.18

Aldi –  197.38

Total on Groceries – 514.52

For the month of March – $128.63 per week

I am over budget so I will need to stretch the meals to last for 5 weeks, which will bring our budget down to 102.91/week to feed our family of 6.

Hopefully, due to finding some meat on sale at Sam’s our food budget for April should be less.     

0 thoughts on “March Grocery Budget

  1. I feel good if I can keep my budget around $150/week for our family of 8.  When I consider that all 8 of us are eating 3 meals a day on that budget, I think it’s pretty reasonable.  I live 120 miles away from a big city, so once a month we make a huge purchase at Costco and Walmart.  Otherwise I have found that the price for food is easily 27% more in our community.

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