Llibrary Loot: May 2, 2009

library loot

Hubby went to the library for me this week and I had alot of reserves in! It was like my birthday when he got home. I was excited. I need to make time this week to get some serious reading done. Josh, my oldest came over and set up my gazebo/outdoor living room. It is all ready for me to sit out there and read. The MN weather hasn’t been cooperating too much yet. today does look promising.

May 2nd, 2009

1. Novel About My Wife – Emily Perkins
2. Still Alice – Lisa Genova
3. The Ten Year Nap – Meg Wolitzer
4. Across A hundred Mountains – Reyna grande
5. Sarah’s Key – Tatiana DeRosnay
6. Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet – Jamie Ford
7. The Girl She Used To Be – David Cristofano

To see what other bloggers are reading, stop by the weekly Library Loot Event hosted by Eva at The Striped Armchair.

Happy Reading!!
Jen C

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