Now with the warmer weather finally finding its way to MN, I am finding less and less time to blog.  I try to stop by many of your blogs to keep up with you all. 


Here are the highlights of what has been going on in our neck of the woods. 


Mother’s Day Weekend:


I had a wonderful Mother’s Day weekend.  We were worried the weather was not going to cooperate with us, but were pleasantly surprised.  Saturday morning we went to the Regional Special Olympics track meet.  I was able to see 5 of my clients run in the 50-yard dash.  It was a lot of fun to be able to cheer them on.  Tommy and hubby even enjoyed watching the kids compete.   The afternoon was spent with me completing my menus and shopping list.  I went to get groceries as well.  Since it was raining we went out for supper for Mother’s Day on Saturday.  Paul, Josh, Tommy and I went to Red Lobster for supper. YUMMY!!  What a rare treat!  


After supper we went to the mall to buy me a pair of espadrilles for Mother’s Day.  I found a pair that I loved, but they did not have a size 6-1/2.  So we went to Macy’s and ended up buying Josh 3 or 4 shirts on clearance for his birthday.  Then hubby and Josh dropped me off at home and they went to rent a blue ray movie. 


Sunday – was a lovely time.  We went and rented the tiller in the morning and got the garden prepared for planting.  We then went to Wal-mart and Linders to buy some plants.  I spent much of the afternoon planting.  I got a lot of the garden in, but not finished.  I planted the pots out front and put two planters on the back deck.  One is an herb garden and the other is annuals. 


Last Week:  The week went pretty good, but I had to rearrange my schedule a bit.  Erik had an appointment with his Psychiatrist on Wednesday and we had to wait for 2 hours in the waiting room before we were seen.  No changes on his meds and we will come back in 6 months.  We seem to be pretty stable right now.  I went to work after the appointment and worked until about 11:00 that evening. 


Friday, I ended up taking the day off so I could take care of some things around the house.  I took both Teddy (bigger dog) and Molly (our Maine Coon Cat) to be groomed.  Molly smelled so bad and she was more or less just shaved.  I also took our little puppy, Baby to get her nails cut.  I had the repairman come and our A/C is now fixed!!!  


Last Weekend:

Saturday, Tommy and Hubby raced in the Medtronic TC Kids Marathon.  I messed up with the registration and Tommy ran the ½ mile instead of 1 mile.  He was pretty tired after it anyways.  We had lunch at Como Park the site for the marathon and then came home as my parents were coming for the weekend. 


My parents called and were not coming until Sunday so the rest of the afternoon was pretty relaxed.  I went out and planted the rest of my garden.  Saturday night before heading to bed I took the dogs for their last walk.  When I got to the end of our street I saw that the ambulance and squad cars were down my Josh’s friend, Scott’s house.  I came home and told Josh.


Sunday, we had a family birthday party for those with a birthday in May.  We celebrated Josh’s, Bonnie’s, Joe’s and my mom’s birthday.  We had a great time.  I prepared a taco bar and we made our way through the 5 pounds on meat I had made.  


We had found out what the ambulance was about on Saturday night.  Josh’s friend, Scott had tipped over his 4-wheeler when doing a wheelie.  He was unconscious and taken to the hospital.  He did not have a helmet on.   Josh had gone over to see him on Sunday afternoon as he was home.  The ER doc said he had road rash and a concussion.  But he was still unable to stop vomiting.  His parents took him back to the hospital and he is now in critical condition.  He had a fractured Skull.  Please pray for him.  He has been Josh’s friend since we moved here 10 years ago.  I can’t stop thinking about him and praying for his recovery through out the day.  He had just come over to our house a couple of days before the accident to see Josh and visited our new puppy.   Scott is a sweet young man and we pray that he will not have lasting problems due to this head injury. 


After the family party, Josh had a number of friends over for a bonfire.  Tommy woke up vomiting around 2:00am on Monday morning.  ARGH!!  That was fun!


This week:

Tommy was sick and stayed home from school on Monday.  So I stayed home with him until about 2:00 and then hubby stayed with him for the rest of the day.  I worked until about 11:00 that evening to get my hours in. 


Tuesday, I set Tommy t school and headed to work.  By the time I got to work the school had called and Tommy needed to be picked up.  So I left work shortly after I got there. 


Today I am working and then tonight I will be making food for my Book Group tomorrow night.  I plan on making summer sub, greek pasta salad, coleslaw and Strawberry Rhubarb pie.  That should take up a lot of my evening.


Thursday – I am working in the morning and then heading home.  Erik’s CADI worker is coming over and then I am hosting book group in the evening. 


I am hoping for a very relaxed weekend.  Erik will be with his mother until Monday evening so hubby and I will be going out to celebrate our anniversary.    May 27th is our 8th wedding Anniversary.  We are planning on going out on Sunday as Josh will watch Tommy for us.  We still have a movie and dinner out gift certs that Josh gave us for Christmas.


I also need to read my book for my online book group.  I need to start and finish the book Water for Elephants over the weekend.    



I am finding that I am slacking on my routines.  I need to work on getting back into a more productive routine.  I am forever behind in laundry and want to do some decluttering.  But in the summer I prefer to spend my time either in the outdoor living room reading or working in the garden. 




Our garden is planted.  We have planted peas, green beans, various kinds of lettuce, cucumbers, broccoli, tomatoes (Grape, Roma and Cherry), carrots, peppers, baby spinach, corn, sunflowers and brussel sprouts.  We moved our strawberry patch so hopefully we will have strawberries to eat.  Last year the rabbits ate them all. 



Summer is nearly here.  Tommy and Erik are going to be done with school on June 6th.  Tommy will begin going to his new daycare on June 9th at the college where my hubby works.  Erik will begin summer school on June 9th at his current program and then will begin at his new school for July.  In August Erik will not be having school so we are still trying to figure out how that will work.  


We don’t have many plans for the summer.  Tommy and I will be going to SD to spend time with my parents in July for 10 days or so.  And in August we are going on a family vacation with my brother. 


I hope you are all doing well. 


Cool website to check out: – A crockpot recipe a day!



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