Unexpectedly Home Today…

Hubby commented last night that Tommy’s eye was really red.  It was still red and weepy this morning so we are off to the Dr.  I am not sure if it is just his cold or pink eye.   Since I was home this morning I did sleep in a bit and finished my book I was reading…..

The Rest of Her Life – Laura Moriarty – 4/5 – Good Book…very emotional but I liked it.  It is sad…

Well off to warm up the car to head to the Dr.   Tonight we have open house at the school for Tommy.  Later!

UPDATE:  Home from the Dr – He prescribed some drops for Tommy’s eye.  Hubby will pick them up and some cold medicine for Tommy after work.   I need to be home to meet Erik’s school bus.   I will need to run into work tomorrow to pick up some work for the weekend.   After Erik gets on the school bus, Tommy and I will run to my office.  I have 4 hours to work yet this week to have 40 hours in.   I had planned on working 8 today.  Since I hadn’t planned on being home today I don’t have anything with me to work on, except to answer emails etc. 


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