Best Book of 2007

I have to share the list of the Best Books of 2007 according to Bookmarks Magazine.  In the Literary category the following were some of the Favorites of 2007

The Aeneid – Virgil

After Dark – Haruki Murakami

Against the Day – Thomas Pynchon

American Youth – Phil LaMache

Black Girl/White Girl – Joyce Carol Oates

I’ll Steal You Away – Nicolo Ammaniti

In The Country of Men – Hisham Matar

Lost City Radio – Daniel Alarcon

Mistress of the Art of Death – Ariana Franklin

My Holocaust – Tova Reich

Nada – Carmen Laforet

Nineteen Minutes – Jodi Picoult

Only Revolutions – Mark Z. Danielewski

Out Stealing Horses – Per Petterson

The Raw Shark Texts – Steven Hall

Then We Came to The End – Joshua Ferris

A Thousand Splendid Suns – Khaled Hosseini

What Is The Want – The Autobiography of Valentino Achak Deng – Dave Eggers


Only three of these titles are on my To Be Read list.  I have already read one of them, A Thousand Splendid Suns.  Since I am listing books here, I might as well share the titles that interested me out of the New Book Guide.  These might not be at our library yet, but generally they are on order already.  I also listed behind the book how many stars Bookmarks Magazine gave it.

Away  – Amy Bloom ****1/2

First Among Sequels – A Thursday Next Novel – Jasper Fforde ****

The Rest of Her LIfe – Laura Moriatry ****

Run – Ann Patchett ****

The September of Shiraz – Dalia Sofer – ****

Forgive Me – Amanda Eyre Ward ****


I turned on my heating blanket about 15 minutes ago so I am sure my bed is warm and toasty for me by now.  Time for me to snuggle into bed and read for a bit.  Hope you all have a great night.  Let me know if you have read any of the above books. I would love to hear your review of the book! 

2 thoughts on “Best Book of 2007

  1. i haven;t read any of those, though i’d probably like to read them all – and the only one i’ve seen down here is a 1000 splendid suns – if i could shose any, i’d begin with “The Rest of Her LIfe – Laura Moriatry” – because that’s such an interesting surname – (if you can;t judge books by their covers you have to go by the words themselves )

  2. i haven;t read any of those, though i’d probably like to read them all – and the only one i’ve seen down here is a 1000 splendid suns – if i could shose any, i’d begin with “The Rest of Her LIfe – Laura Moriatry” – because that’s such an interesting surname – (if you can;t judge books by their covers you have to go by the words themselves )

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