I went to the library in the afternoon and drove the car for the first time in over two weeks. I picked up my book on tape and the latest copy of Bookmarks Magazine. It is my favorite issue, the best books of 2007. I will share the list later when I have a chance to type it up. Once home I worked some more on the laundry and cleaned up a bit. I am still finding it a bit difficult to walk and need to take frequent breaks. After supper I did my bedtime routine!!! It really felt good to get back on schedule. Hubby helped out by putting Tommy to bed while I finished up dishes. I headed to bed early to read. I started a new book that I am really enjoying. It is called Lottery by Patricia Wood. I was still awake at after 11:00 so I took a benedryl in hopes of sleeping. I did get alot of the book read!! Our local library has an adult reading program called “Cold Nights, Hot Read”, until February 29th. You receive prizes after reading 4 books and after 8 books. I signed up to do that again this year. I am nearly done with my first book so I might have a chance at finishing 8 books in two months.


I actually slept all through the night and Tommy stayed in his bed all night!! I was so happy. Not that I don’t enjoy my nocturnal chats with you all, but I do need some sleep. Today I returned to work. I was up early and completed most of my morning routine right on schedule. I am all showered and dressed and go to put on my shoes….yikes….We have a problem here Houston! My only winter shoes for work are dress boots or shoes with high heels! I put on those shoes and could barely walk….argh…. So I had to go buy new shoes before I could go to work. We have a pretty strict dress code at my work. I am breaking it a bit, but they will have to allow it while I recuperate. So I am wearing black tennis shoes for work, so not me! I am doing ok at work. I should have brought my crutches as I am experiencing alot of pain from all the walking. I am trying the best I can to just sit at my desk and combine any walking that I need to do. I don’t just walk to the printer once I print something….I wait until I have printed alot and then make only one trip. Or someone usually takes pity on me and brings my stuff to me. I will not be doing home visits for the next two weeks. I will only be working in the office until I experience less pain with walking. It is a good time to get caught up with paperwork anyways. Our next busy time will occur starting about February or end of January.


I have been thinking about my goals and priorities list for 2008. I am tempted of course to take on too much, but for the next 3 weeks I am only going to focus on a few things. Some of these are connected but I am going to work on the following as my first priorities.

*Daily Time with God’s Word – I will read my bible either as part of my morning routine as planned or if that doesn’t happen I will read my daily reading online at work while I eat lunch. I have to admit my devotional habits are a bit weak and inconsistent. I hope to change that this year.

“You’ll go forth a little stronger
With a fresh supply of grace,
If each day you meet the Savior
In a secret, quiet place.” – Adams
* Establish a Better Sleep Pattern – up by 6:00am each morning
* Complete Bedtime and Morning Routine Each Day
* Make and Take my lunch to work each day

Today – I completed three of these…I completed my bible reading, did morning routine and brought lunch to work.


Hmm…I had to think about this. I actually spent money as I had to buy shoes for work. But I did bring leftover pork roast, carrots and cheese to work for lunch. So I probably saved $4.00 by bringing my own lunch of leftovers from home. Actually using up the leftovers is a great money saver. I end up throwing away too many leftovers sometimes!

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