
Josh came home from the hospital this morning.   I got him into the house and straight to the shower.   Then we got him positioned on the couch upstairs here so we can assist in getting him up.   He is able to walk much better once we get him up.  

I am glad to have him home.   His friend Kyle is over and they are playing xbox in the living room.  Kyle brought his over for them to play.   Emma and Amy also came over to visit. 

Tommy had a soccer game this morning and his team played against his best friend Cooper’s team.   Erik is napping right now, not sure what is up with that.  He finally decided what he wanted to do for his birthday.  He wants to go to the Rainforest Cafe for supper.  So we will do that one weekend coming up when he is with us.   The weekend after his birthday he is with his Mom. 

Supper is in the crockpot and laundry is going so I think I will go read until it is time for supper.  

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Josh came home from the hospital this morning.   I got him into the house and straight to the shower.   Then we got him positioned on the couch upstairs here so we can assist in getting him up.   He is able to walk much better once we get him up.  

I am glad to have him home.   His friend Kyle is over and they are playing xbox in the living room.  Kyle brought his over for them to play.   Emma and Amy also came over to visit. 

Tommy had a soccer game this morning and his team played against his best friend Cooper’s team.   Erik is napping right now, not sure what is up with that.  He finally decided what he wanted to do for his birthday.  He wants to go to the Rainforest Cafe for supper.  So we will do that one weekend coming up when he is with us.   The weekend after his birthday he is with his Mom. 

Supper is in the crockpot and laundry is going so I think I will go read until it is time for supper.  

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