Today was a family day of deck building.   We all decided on patio furniture and wanted to get the deck done to set it all up!!  We were going to buy a table and chairs set, but ended up with the new outdoor livingroom.   We love it! 

DEck Building 009

We have a ways to go!! 

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Erik putting in some decking screws.

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Dad and Josh.  (nice look Josh!)

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Someone is sitting down on the job!

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Now, he is back to work!!

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WAY TO GO JOSH!!  We are almost to the end! 
We were sooo excited!

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OOPPS, Now I was caught sitting down on the job!  
I did certainly put in my fair share of decking screws and held many boards for Josh. 

I really did work.  I got much better at this after the first few decking screws!

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