Another day that just hasn’t turned out as planned.   Of course I had very little sleep last night.  This morning I called the Vet as our siamese cat, Robbie continues to vomit numerous times a day.  He is about 10 1/2 years old.  About 3am last night he was howling and very disorientated scratching at a book in Tommy’s room.  I went and got him and put him on my bed with me.   He seemed to settle down.  I call the vet and they get in him this morning.  I figure I will be able to work this afternoon, but no such luck he is still at the Vets. 

The vet called and they just got Robbie’s blood work back.   They are 99% sure he is diabetic.  YIKES!!  They are going to do a urinalysis to be sure and check for a bladder infection as well.  So how do they treat diabetes in cats??  The same as humans.  I will be giving him a insulin shot two times a day!  Yikes…I can’t believe it.  Not something I am looking forward to at all. 

I called them and asked if I could bring Teddy in for his puppy shots since I was home today.  So when I pick up Robbie I will take Teddy in for some shots.  That only leaves Molly who needs to get her shots updated.  They have a Discount Vaccination Clinic at Petco that I am going to take her to this weekend and get her updated.  Then later this month we are getting her groomed for the first time.  She is a very very fat Maine Coone cat and long hair everywhere!   So we are going to have her get a Lion Cut and see if that helps on the cat hair problem in our house.  YUCKY!!!

So that is what in going on with our four legged babies. 

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She is on this chair 24 hours a day.  It is a mine field of cat hair. 
So that is why we are going to try getting her groomed too. 

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