Hello Everyone – It doesn’t seem like I will ever get back to having enough free time to update daily here.  We had a very nice weekend.   It was a nice change…


 Hubby and I both had the day off.  Each year we always take this day to start our Christmas shopping and have a nice lunch out together.   I got most of my shopping done and I did pretty good on the budget as well.  We finally remembered to take our front picture windows in to get them reglazed and broken glass repaired.  Figure with winter almost upon us we better get that done.   We had a nice lunch at AppleBee’s .  We tried their new Sweet Potato Fries….YUMMY!!!   We also went to a consignment shop in St Paul to look for some winter work clothes for me.  I of course bought my work pants at Wal-mart – funny enough, the pants I really like are carried there now and much cheaper than at Kohl’s.   I dropped another pants size so all my pants were two sizes too big and I finally had to give in and get new pants.  

We really didn’t go too many places to buy Christmas gifts.  We were at Sam’s Club, Barnes and Noble and Walmart.   Now to get to the wrapping.  I have all the gifts for South Dakota so I will wrap those up and send them home with my parents.   We stopped at Fantastic Sam’s and got a haircut for hubby, Tommy and I.   My haircut was TERRIBLE…it was the new store that opened in Mahtomedi.  I won’t be going back there again.  We stopped at Aldi and bought some appetizers to make and headed home.

We bought the movie Cars so we made appetizers and had family movie night.  Josh got home shortly after we started the movie and he joined us.  It was fun!  We have been trying to have family movie night each Friday.  We each take a turn picking movies.  


In the morning I went through the cupboards in the kitchen.  I straightened the pots and pans and cleaned up the snack cupboard.  Then headed to Half Price Books to sell some of my books.   I needed room on my shelf!   I can’t buy anymore books until I read a few more.   Hubby treated us out to lunch at Great Moon Buffet.  Tommy actually tried alot of new foods and even like them.  Then I went home and took a very short nap and hubby went to the library.   I did some cleaning on Saturday.  I went through my clothes in my room and got rid of a whole garbage bag of clothes that I no longer wear or are too big.  I was able to go through all my drawers as well.  I worked on laundry all evening as well.   I started weatherizing the windows in our home.  I put plastic on the windows in our bedroom, living room, dining room and kitchen.  

Hubby and I headed to bed early and watched a movie after I got Tommy to bed. 


Yikes…we over slept and missed church.  I got up and started going on laundry again.  I finished putting plastic on the windows in the house.  I did Erik and Tommy’s rooms.   I cleaned both boys rooms.  I washed sheets, blankets, comforters and swept.   I also sorted through each of their clothes and brought some winter clothes up from the basement.    Tommy’s room was a disaster.  I went through toys and really weeded those out.  I donated a garbage bag full of toys and threw out two grocery bags of junk.  I might even go through there another time before Christmas.  

After I was done with both of the boys rooms, I sat on the couch and watched, Flip That House on the learning Channel.  I love that show!!   Josh was busy working in the basement.  He is laying a new floor in the hallway in the basement.  He is doing so well at helping to fix up the house. 

I actually cooked a meal on Sunday.  I made Pork Chops, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans.    It felt good to accomplish some things this weekend.  I tried to get Tommy to bed early, but that didn’t work very well.  I still have alot of laundry to do, but I made a good dent in it. 


Tonight I am working late.  Tomorrow we are meeting with the lawyer that is handling my car accident from a few years ago and are starting to get ready to submit my suit against the insurance company.  I wish I could say my back and neck was better, but this seems to be life long thing now.  Wednesday we are attending court with Erik.  I haven’t shared this on here, but Erik got in some trouble with the law.  It has been a very difficult and stressful time for our family.  I hope it is soon behind us.  

Thursday I need to be at my inlaws as the social worker is coming to do an assessment for the elderly waiver.  My parents are also coming on Thursday.   They will be attending School with Tommy on Friday for Grandparents day.  They will be staying until Saturday and want to help out with some things around the house. 

Erik’s mom will be picking him up on Sunday evening and will keep him until Thanksgiving.  I have to work during the week and he has no school.   It is a great help and I am very grateful to her for offering to help. 

I hope everyone is having a great day/week!    I have been stopping by but no time to comment.  I hope all is well with you and your families! 

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