Morning of a Working Mom….

This morning it felt like I worked a full day before I left for work.  WHEW!!   I was actually up on time for once so had plenty of time to get things done.  I showered and dressed and than got Erik up and started on his morning routine.  

I folded a load of clothes and had a bit of computer time.  Once Tommy woke up I gave him a bath, made breakfast, gave him medicine and got him ready for school.   No one had washed his clothes so I had to really scrounge to find pants for school.  We can’t wash his clothes with ours due to he breaks out from regular detergent and fabric softner.  So I started a load of Tommy clothes washing too. 

I was just heading out the door when Erik called from school.  He had missed the bus for his religious release day so he wanted me to pick him up at school and take him to church.   I had to run Tommy to preschool first and then I got Erik and dropped him off at church.   I came home and made my lunch quickly and dash off to work. 

In my hurry I forgot my cell phone, which was charging and my sweater (They have turned on the air conditioning at work and it if freezing!!).  ARGH!!!   Now on my my real job!   I have to work late tonight, until probably 8:00 or so as there is a parent training tonight I should show up at.  

Later!   Have a great day!

3 thoughts on “Morning of a Working Mom….

  1. Hey Just wanted to comment on your comment to me….thanks for the encouragement. I know I’m not going to create perfection, but I’m sure everyone wishes their home was House Beautiful  ready. Mine will NEVER be that and I’ve given up that dream. I really am living in reality and trying to keep going with that reality firmly in place. BTW, I’m loving seeing  your vacation pics!!! Looks like you guys had a really great time!

  2. Hey Just wanted to comment on your comment to me….thanks for the encouragement. I know I’m not going to create perfection, but I’m sure everyone wishes their home was House Beautiful  ready. Mine will NEVER be that and I’ve given up that dream. I really am living in reality and trying to keep going with that reality firmly in place. BTW, I’m loving seeing  your vacation pics!!! Looks like you guys had a really great time!

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