Our first morning waking up in Florida!   Gotta love that!   We all slept in and didn’t get up until nearly 10:00 for me and the boys slept until nearly noon.   We woke up and had breakfast on the patio under the sun.  Gotta love eating outside in March when your from Minnesota!   What a treat!


The Master Bedroom


Tommy loved the Jacuzzi Tub…….

Tommy having breakfast…


Living Room

The view of the pool from our patio…..

I didn’t seem to take pics of the boys room and their bathroom.    Oh well….

We decided to walk around a bit in the morning and check out the resort and things.   We stopped at the park and played in the sun for a while!!   Love it!

We decided to go to Epcot for our first park, since we didn’t think it would be the kids favorite.  So I made sandwhiches and we ate lunch and left for the park!

Josh and Tommy having Lunch….

TO BE CONTINUED……..I gottta get ready for work so I will have to finish the rest of day 2 later!!!   

6 thoughts on “

  1. looks like it was a very nice day out and your guys were enjoying yourself :O)

    I am so excited I get to go to fl in  sept :O)

    cant wait to see the rest :O)

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