Ok..I can’t believe February is almost over!   I have so much to do and coming up….I am stressing a bit about it today!!  I can do it…I can do it….Make a list Jen, and breathe!!!

MARCH – I have to present at a conference for work
Spring Break to Florida with all the kids.  Did  I mention I hate to fly!  

APRIL – Hopefully take some time off and finish painting my Living Room!! – Work on Josh’s CD of his life – Scan things for scrapbook! No Pressure!

MAY  – April 28th to May 2nd – In Duluth for a Conference for work (Taking Josh’s Scrapbook with and will hopefully finish!)

JUNE – Josh’s Graduation – Josh’s Last mission Trip.  The more I say, Josh’s Last…the more I want to cry!   Lisa’s Open House!

JULY – Josh’s Open House – about 100 people invited!

Yeah, yeah…I know….don’t sweat it…but I am a *Bit of a perfectionist so I sweat it!   I know it will all get done and will be great! – Yep…keep repeating that!!

0 thoughts on “BREATHE….BREATHE…..

  1. BABY STEPS!  one day at a time….c’mon go see the flylady she’ll help you out! it’s gonna be alright! you can do it!

    is josh your son? is he graduating? that must be so hard yet wonderful at the same time.

    *hugs* take a deep breath. make a list. you can do this!

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