We had a nice day today.  We all lounged around this morning since we weren’t feeling the greatest.   The afternoon, Tommy, Hubby and I took a nap.  Tommy got up and he watched a movie since his tummy hurt.  Then he signed his Valentine’s for school and read his books to Daddy.  

I wanted to post some pics from today, but I can’t get them off my chip for some reason…hmmm…

Well I suppose I will call it a night.  I need to get Tommy out of the tub and to bed.   The last load of bed sheets are in the dryer so I have a few beds to make yet.    But I love to curl up in bed and read when I change the sheets each week.  They smell so great!  

Have a great week!!!  

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We had a nice day today.  We all lounged around this morning since we weren’t feeling the greatest.   The afternoon, Tommy, Hubby and I took a nap.  Tommy got up and he watched a movie since his tummy hurt.  Then he signed his Valentine’s for school and read his books to Daddy.  

I wanted to post some pics from today, but I can’t get them off my chip for some reason…hmmm…

Well I suppose I will call it a night.  I need to get Tommy out of the tub and to bed.   The last load of bed sheets are in the dryer so I have a few beds to make yet.    But I love to curl up in bed and read when I change the sheets each week.  They smell so great!  

Have a great week!!!  

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