Good Morning……….

The beginning of the week and today is a holiday!  YEAH!   So today I hope to get a few things done around the house and read my book some more.  I need to get it done by next week for book group and I have alot to read yet.  

I am up early and everyone is still sleeping.  I am hoping to get a few things done and go walking at 8:00 or so.   Today should be a pretty quiet day I hope!   

My Plans for the DAY:


  • Tom’s Shelf  – DONE
  • Cook Onions and Peppers for Freezer – DONE
  • Figure out Supper/Laundry  – DONE (pork chop in Crockpot)
  • Go Walking – OOPS went back to sleep instead for a couple of hours.
  • Delete 20 emails – DONE
  • Read….Read…Read


  • Erik and Josh’s Shelf – DONE
  • Nap – DONE
  • 1 – Laundry – DONe
  • Delete 20 emails – DONE


  • Work – complete 1 ISP
  • Grocery List
  • Laundry – DONE
  • Delete 20 emails -DONE

0 thoughts on “Good Morning……….

  1. Hi, there!  It looks like you are getting a lot done.  I just wanted to tell you that I had to delete your comment under my public post, ’cause I’m afraid my friend will see it.  Actually, she might have already, I don’t know.  I just got on the computer now.  But, anyway…I still hope you will comment, I just had to delete that one!

    Have a great day!!!


  2. Mmmmm….pork chops! I’ll have to do that tomorrow. The kids would like fajitas tonight.

    Congrats on checking off so much on your “To-Do” list! Love that feeling of accomplishment!!

  3. HI, thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the encouragement on this weight loss thing.  It can be frustrating sometimes.  You were busy yesterday.  I really need to get back onto my household schedule.  Have a blessed day.
    Oh!!  I love you snowmen!!

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Good Morning……….

The beginning of the week and today is a holiday!  YEAH!   So today I hope to get a few things done around the house and read my book some more.  I need to get it done by next week for book group and I have alot to read yet.  

I am up early and everyone is still sleeping.  I am hoping to get a few things done and go walking at 8:00 or so.   Today should be a pretty quiet day I hope!   

My Plans for the DAY:


  • Tom’s Shelf  – DONE
  • Cook Onions and Peppers for Freezer – DONE
  • Figure out Supper/Laundry  – DONE (pork chop in Crockpot)
  • Go Walking – OOPS went back to sleep instead for a couple of hours.
  • Delete 20 emails – DONE
  • Read….Read…Read


  • Erik and Josh’s Shelf – DONE
  • Nap – DONE
  • 1 – Laundry – DONe
  • Delete 20 emails – DONE


  • Work – complete 1 ISP
  • Grocery List
  • Laundry – DONE
  • Delete 20 emails -DONE

6 thoughts on “Good Morning……….

  1. Hi, there!  It looks like you are getting a lot done.  I just wanted to tell you that I had to delete your comment under my public post, ’cause I’m afraid my friend will see it.  Actually, she might have already, I don’t know.  I just got on the computer now.  But, anyway…I still hope you will comment, I just had to delete that one!

    Have a great day!!!


  2. Mmmmm….pork chops! I’ll have to do that tomorrow. The kids would like fajitas tonight.

    Congrats on checking off so much on your “To-Do” list! Love that feeling of accomplishment!!

  3. HI, thanks for visiting my blog and thanks for the encouragement on this weight loss thing.  It can be frustrating sometimes.  You were busy yesterday.  I really need to get back onto my household schedule.  Have a blessed day.
    Oh!!  I love you snowmen!!

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