Good morning….I am not going into work today, but have a lot to do around here.  I am going to take it at an easy pace though.  I slept in and feel pretty rested.   I still need to neb this morning.  

My allergist called yesterday and I requested to go to a pulmonolgist.  He wanted me to go to the one in the Health Partners group.   But he is way out in Brooklyn Park and I just didn’t want to do that.  I saw him two years ago after I came out of intensive care.   But I have an appointment on Monday with a pulmonoligist of my choice.   Actually I found out she was one of my pulmonogists from 2 years ago when I was in the ICU.    She is very close and the Dr’s at the ER said she is very good.  So today I have to go to the hospital and pick up my lung x-rays from Wednesday night’s ER visit.   I go to see the pulmonologist on Monday afternoon.  I also see an ophthalmologist on Monday in the morning.   I am glad to be going to the pulmonologist so soon.   My Dr bumped me up to 40mg of predisone until I see the pulmonologist.    I hope she is able to get me off predisone!  I have been taking it for 2 years and it isn’t a drug you should take long term.   I am concerned about the side effects. 

Other things I should do today is:

  • pay bills/budget – DONE
  • Menu/Shopping List and Groceries – DONE
  • Wrap Presents for Our Christmas Party Tomorrow
  • Go to Hospital for X-rays – DONE
  • Go To Library and Get Erik a book -DONE
  • Pick up Meds at CVS -DONE
  • Lakeshore Learning for Preschool Class gift – DONE

Tommy had his Christmas Program last night.  I didn’t think he would go up in front of the church, but he did.   I was very impressed.   He almost made it to the end of the program.   About 4 songs in he started crying and I went up front and told the teacher.  She talked to him and he said his tummy hurt.  He gets tummy ache like mom and Josh when he gets nervous.  So I went up front and got him.   He didn’t even want to stay for the cookies and stuff afterwards.  He just wanted to go home.   So we did.   I don’t ever force him to do things that make him uncomfortable.  We try them and do as much as we can.  I am impressed that he went up.  There were over 200 people there…the church was full.   Next time will be better.   Both Tommy and Josh are shy about things like that.  Erik was pretty out going when he was younger and didn’t have a problem with that sort of thing. 

Tomorrow is our Family Christmas party.   I have been getting a few calls about people bringing a guest.  So I made sure I had a few extra gifts for those who show up with others.   I feel strongly that everyone should feel welcome and have a gift to open.  So I usually have a stand by stock of boxes of candy or something for those unexpected guests.    We always have an open door policy at our home.  So tomorrow we should have between 25 and 30 people over for food, fellowship and gifts!  My nieces and nephews are starting to have girlfriends and boyfriends so I have to plan for them too!  Our family is growing, growing….and growing…..I love it!    We are all close and it is such a blessing!! 

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