Hello….starting this day out has been a little crazy!   I am really good about as soon as I get info from the kids school I put it into my calendar.  Well I get to preschool this morning and I realize it is the Harvest Party.  OOPS….the calendar said it was next week.   So I run home for the napkins I was to bring (good thing I buy things way in advance) and Tommy’s comstume.  Of course Tom was freked out by the costumes and didn’t want to stay in the classroom.  I couldn’t stay with him that long today since I had unit meeting at work at 10:00.  ARGH…..so I left the classroom and he was screaming,  I felt so bad! 

Now I am at work and heading into unit meeting. 


We had a lovely time at church.   I sort of got to spend time with hubby.  Tommy wouldn’t separate so I had him in our alpha class with us and small group all night.  He was good.   He jsut sat on my lap.  I hope he will get over this soon.  We came home and hubby finished homework with Erik and I layed down with Tommy for the night.   Once he was asleep hubby put him back into his bed.   In the middle of the night Tommy got back into bed with us, but I took him back to his room since he was kicking me in my back so badly.  My back so so sore yesterday. 


I am working until unit meeting is done then I am going home to cook, clean and do laundry.  We have had nothing but parties, parties and the house needs some serious attention.  I dont’ want to spend my weekend doing it.   This evening I will work on a few reports and get a few work hours in before bed.   I want to be home to make a nice supper for my family. 

SUPPER:  Taco Chili and Biscuits

Gotta get to my meeting!   Have a Great Day!

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