We just got home after our adventures for the day.   I took Tommy to the Dr this morning.  He has no fluid behind his ear drum now, so no need for ear tubes.  YEAH!   His toes, the Dr thinks is a chemical reaction.   I am suppose Super Glue the cuts together and put a steroid cream on it.   I am going to have hubby help me with that tonight. 

Then I dropped Erik and Tommy off at my SILS and came home and paid bills and messed with our budget so we could swing all the school registrations things like lunch money, parking and yearbooks, etc.   It was almost 300.00 for stuff for the two boys.   And I needed to make a payment on Josh’s Senior Pict today.   I also made my menu and shopping lsit for the next week and 1/2 or so.  

Then we were off to get Josh’s pics taken.   It was so bittersweet for me.   I was nearly crying at the end of the photo shoot.  I can’t believe my baby is growing up so fast.   I think the pics will turn out really good.   He looked so handsome!   I can’t wait to see the proofs next week.   I will pick them up next week while my mother is here and then she can help pick out pics.   If I have my order in my 8/31, we get to keep the proofs for free, otherwise they cost $50.00. 

After the outdoor photos, Josh helped me get groceries.   We went to Aldi and Rainbow.   It was fun to spend the day with my boy.    Erik really wanted to go with us today, but I wanted to do this alone with Josh.   I love spending time with him!   I am lucky he will still do stuff with me, our time alone is very limited.    I jsut love the kid!

I have put all the groceries away and will need to start supper soon.  I am tired!    Ithink I will try to sneak in a cat nap for 20 minutes until hubby gets home with the boys.    Hope everyone has a great day!


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