Last night hubby and I had a long conversation about how the school schedule is going to work.  For the summer he has been home two evenings a week with the kids and I work late.   He is finding that very hard, so I am going to cut down to working late only one evening a week.  I have to work one.   And once school starts I will be working 5 days a week again, unless there are Dr appointments that week.   Hubby wants me home more….there is just alot to juggle.  

Today we are getting ready for the block party.   As of last night I have 88 people that have RSVP.    That is actually 11 more than last year at this time.   So far this morning I went to the bank and cashed all the checks for the block party and got money from my account for the kids allowance.    Then we went and picked up the barricades to block off the street tomorrow.   We also went to Walmart to get more poster board.   

My Uncle Sam bean bag toss got rained on and so I had to touch it up this morning.  The kids forgot to close the garage door and it was sitting near the opening.  

I think I am going to relax a bit and wait for my neighbor to get home.  She and I are going shopping for all the food and beverages for the block party this afternoon.  This is going to be one busy weekend!!!!!!!!!

Have a great day!

0 thoughts on “

  1. I’m still trying to decide if I wanna keep working till 5 and get home about 5:20 or if I want to work till 4 and get home around 4:20. I don’t know that an hour is going to make that big a diff in the whole scheme of things. Not like it affects if I am picking up kids from school etc. It really only affects how early dinner can get started…

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