AAAAAH……hubby is giving Tommy a bath so I have a few minutes to type and check email.   So nice of him!   We have had a busy evening.   I made homemade pizza for supper.   My niece Kristen came over to play.   Alston my neighbor Noah came to play with Tommy as well.  First we played in the wading pool.   Then we got dried off and into dry clothes and everyone had ice cream.  After Ice Cream it was outside to play in the sandbox and baseball.  Kristen went home shortly after that.  Tommy and Noah came inside and had juice boxes and scooby snacks while they watched Scooby Doo on TV.  Tommy loves Scooby Doo. 

Josh, Amy, Charlie and Charlie’s GF went to the movie.  Erik was invited to sleep over at a neighbors house.  So it is quiet around here with only Tommy home this evening.  Erik has been doing so well socially for the last few weeks.  We are so happy about it…and Erik is much happier too.  I usually wouldn’t let him sleep over when we are going to church in the morning, but about 5 boys were staying over and I didn’t want him to miss out.  He really need the social opportunities.  So if he missed out this Sunday on church, I guess it will be ok. 

I love summer and I love all the children in and out of our house.  I hope my kids will have great memories of their childhood.  Erik told me the other day he was never leaving.  He was going to live with us forever.  I told him he had to move out by age 30, that is our limit.  LOL!!  Josh is in no hurry to leave either…..I am glad they are happy in their home. 

I don’t know what I will ever do with out a house full of kids.   Well Tommy is done with his bath so I am going to go read him a few stories and get him into bed.  Hubby rented a movie from the library so would like to watch that before going to bed.  Good Night!   Hope you all had a great day!! 

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