Yawn….these 12 hour days kill me…but I am happy for them when I can sleep in on Friday and not go to work. This week I will be working more than 40 hours. My supervisor asked me to assist with interviews for the new social worker so I have to be in early for that. Hopefully she will have applications together for me today to look at. Today at work I have to do a bunch of paperwork and then have a homevisit late afternoon, then I will return to the office and work until 8:30 or 9:00 tonight.
Well it looks like our furnance is finally fixed and not leaking water. I was not that happy about having to take 4 days off of work to get this fixed and they fixed it for free for me. They jsut want me to be a happy customer. Hopefully I don’t have to do anything more!
Today is Josh’s GF birthday. He took her out for supper last night. He has to work tonight from 5:30 to close. He is getting more hours now so has a bit more money. He had some flowers delievered to her today at school too.
Tommy slept in bed with us all night last night and he was such a restless sleeper. He whimpered and cried in his sleep a couple of times and kicked and hit alot. NOt a great night of sleep for us all.
It is getting late I better get to work……have a great day!
Hope you feel peppier and more energetic as the day goes by. And congrats on the 5 lb weight loss, i forgot to comment on that post. Blessings! 😉