Good Morning….It is Friday!!  YEAH!!   I haven’t been online yet since I got busy right away once I got up.  I thought I would sleep in since I didn’t have to work today so I turned off my alarm.  But I was up by 6:00 so only slept in about 1/2 hour.    Oh well.

I got up and exercised.  Then since Tommy was asleep I decided it was a good time to reconcile my checkbook, pay bills and do the weekly budget.  I was all done with that by the time Tommy got up at 7:30.  It was nice to have him wake up on his own vs waking him to go to daycare.  He was in a much better mood.   I started some laundry and then got Josh up to drop the van off to get the brakes checked.   So for being only 9:30, I have alot done already.   Josh went to cash his check and pick up his work schedule for next week.   The other two boys are playing guys and watching Dora The Explorer – Pirate Adventures.

Our plans for the rest of the day are pretty easy going.  Tommy has a Dr appointment to get his warts treated again.  Then we will be going swimming at the community center this afternoon.  Other than that I just need to get my menu/shopping list done for tomorrow and get caught up on laundry.   I have last weeks coupons to clip too.   I guess I should get some laundry in before again before I read blogs.  Later!


Tommy to Dr at 11:30
Menu/Shopping List
Take Boys Swimming at Shoreview 
Pick up Easter Gift Certs for Older Boys  

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