Waiting for my SIL to come over and we are heading out to go swimming.  I just gave Tommy a bath to clean off the treatment from the warts.  The Dr had me leave it on longer this time and they are really raw.  Yikes!    The Dr said the other option was to scrap them off down to the root.  I said no way!   He said it would hurt.   Tommy has alot of these warts and I will not hurt him like that.  He was concerned about me paying a co=pay to bring him in so much to have this treatment done.   I rather pay 100.00 then to have them scrap all those warts off and have him terrified of going to the Dr.   Right now he loves his peditrician.   

I went for a walk already too….it is actually about 40 degrees here so it was nice to be able to walk outside.  I can really tell my endurance is much poorer since my prolonged illness.   I am walking a 20 minute mile now.  I have to work up to getting that to be less.  

I guess I will go and switch laundry around before my SIL gets here.   Have a great day!

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