Well it is 10:00…hubby is in bed since he has to get up at 4:00am for work. Tommy is jumping over his gate and I am ignoring him hoping this game gets old soon. Josh, Amy and Erik are downstairs watching TV. I just finished pulling out all the staples from another of my dining room chairs. I will reupholster it tomorrow during nap time. I might even pull the staples out of another tomorrow. Erik helped take the staples out for a while, but got tuckered out.
Josh was at church tonight at the confirmation supper for his gf Amy. Then they came back here to have a turtle custard cake from Culvers with us to celebrate Josh’s new job. We celebrate many things at our house…I want my children to know I am proud of them. I will often write them notes and cards to tell them so.
The rest of the evening I think I will wash dishes and pay bills. then I am going to curl up on the couch and read my book for book group. I need to finish it! I enjoy it when everyone goes to bed because than I can turn off all the junk…..TV, etc and enjoy some peace. Drives the kids nuts…because when hubby is at work tomorrow all day I will not ever turn the TV on in the living room. I just enjoy the quiet so much more. They can watch downstairs if they must. Tommy and I play and read books instead of watching TV. Once Daddy gets home the tv is on again for the rest of the day and night.
Well off to do a few things before reading….Later!