Argh not a good nights sleep last night.  Tommy was running around crazy again.  I finally got him to sleep for the night at 12:30. It was so hard keep him quiet so hubby could sleep.  THen I am not sure it is was the predisone or not, but I could not sleep.  I jsut layed there and layed there.   I was still awake at 1:30 and didn’t get much sleep.   Tonight if I can’t sleep I am going to get up and do something instead of just laying there. 

Time to get this day going…….off to shower and dress Tommy…Josh is gone at work again today, 3:00 to 9:00.    I will have to sit down and do coupons and grocery/menu before shopping this week.  This pay period house payment and child support are due so it is very tight.  I will have to stay within our food budget but we have a number of parties too!  That means hubby can’t go shopping with me. 

Laundry – Tom’s
Work on Dinning Room Chairs
Write Budgets in Evening
ZONE: MASTER BEDROOM- winter clothes out!
Clip Coupons / Grocery List & Menu
Errands – Library, Bread Store, Northwest Book Store


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