Time has slipped away from me again and I haven’t updated.   Let’s see, if I can recap last week for you.


We bought a new 2000 Blazer/Trail Blazer.  Brought it home and took it stright to our regular car dealership to have it inspected.   Chiropractor appointment and spinal class.  Reviewed my x-rays and I have two major areas that need adjusting.   My car insurance should pay for a majority of my treatment.  I think it is important to take care of this while I am younger. 


Chiro and Spinal class again.  Worked some…..gee can’t remember much else.


Chiro appointment after work.  I actually went to FamiliesFirst at church for the first time in a month or so.   Wow..can it really be a month since my accident.  Argh…I want my life back!!!


Maundy Thursday – work a partial day and stop at Northwestern Book Store on the way to work to get a 1st Communion gift for Erik.   We went to Maundy Thrusday service and shared Erik’s first communion with him.  I was in great pain after that so I took a muscle relaxant and percocet and went to bed.   Erik came home with us after service for his weekend visitation with us.

FRIDAY – I had to take Friday off since daycare was closed.   I finally went buy some Easter things for the kids.  ARGH….it is very unlike me to be so behind.   The rest of the day we jsut stayed around home.

SATURDAY – we went to the Easter Egg Hunt at church, got groceries.   Tommy and i took a little nap.   Josh had a bonfire with his friends.  

SUNDAY – went to church.  The sermon had me i tears…I hate crying in public.  He talked about how a friend of ours had died that previous morning.  I had not known she had died.  She had been in our Families First Progam with us a few years ago.  She had been battling cancer for the last two years.  We took her meals during Chemo, etc.  She was a wonderful person and only 35.  She was survived by three children and her hubby.   It was so sad.  Her oldest son was from a previous marriage and he had lost his father to cancer when he was younger.   Now to also lose your mother and he is only 16.  He is friend with my son Joshua.  She had two small children as well.   

Sunday we took naps….common theme on weekends around here.  Tommy hasn’t been sleeping though the night again so I try to catch up on sleep when I can.  We went to a Easter Brunch with my hubby’s family.   After the brunch my BIL & SIL and kids came over to play until bedtime. 

not exciting…..but caught up!!  LOL!!        

0 thoughts on “

  1. Busy week you’ve had.  Sorry to hear about your friend dying.  That’s sad she was so young and  leaves behind a family.  Hope your chiro appts are working for you and you are feeling much better soon.  Blessings!  🙂

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